Friday, July 26, 2013

Day One: Our flights to the other side of the world :)

Well, we got up super early with only 2 hours sleep and headed to the Oklahoma City airport. Man, I do love how open the highways are and how slow the airport is that early in the morning! I was worried we'd be late but we made it.

We checked in our supersize bags that were way overweight (thanks United for waving bag fees & overweight penalties for active military members!) and we were off to our gate!

We boarded our little puddle jumper for the flight to San Francisco and Kate pulled the cuddle-up-it over her head and slept the whole way!

We arrived at SFO, had some breakfast, and wandered around for the rest of our 6 hour layover. Then they finally started boarding our flight to Hong Kong! Wahoo!!! We boarded and began our VERY long flight to go get our Ben!!! :)

Kate decided to start her own little journal about the trip, and I hope she keeps it up. She had 4 'chapters' before we made it to Hong Kong. Cute to see the trip through her eyes, I'll see if she'll let me post a few
of her 'chapters' later!

It feels real and it doesn't all at the same time! I know there's this little boy that we can't wait to get into our arms in just a couple more days but it kinda just feels like another Wilks family vacation adventure!

We are all finished with this end of flights, checked into the hotel in HK, and ready to do an early bedtime here so we'll be all rested up & on China time. So far my sweet girl has been an absolute trooper! Hope she keeps it up since tomorrow we will be checking out Disneyland Hong Kong.

We plan to do some sightseeing Sunday morning before taking the mid-afternoon train to Guangzhou. Then on Monday afternoon it will be the day we've been waiting for!! Gotcha Day!!!!

Please pray for our sweet boy. While we have been anxiously awaiting going to get him, singing night night songs where we blow him kisses, and totally loving this little boy on the other side of the world... He has most certainly not been anxiously waiting for us. This precious boy has lost his whole world once and it's about to happen to him again. While we are better than his orphanage, he does not know that. We are strangers who look different, talk different, & smell different than anything he's ever experienced. Please pray for his heart and for him to find a way to trust us. Please pray for his health, since we do not know when he was last transfused. I know that these first few weeks may be very rough on all of us. I pray for God's strength, perspective, and peace as we walk through these two weeks in China.

Thanks for stopping by!
Fannie, Matt, & Katie

Not super awake at 5am, but who could blame her??

Sleeping on the plane!

Getting on the plane for Hong Kong! Wahoo!!

Starting things off right, with a Chinese beer! :)

My little journaling girl!  She was tired, I love that her face looks the same as the cuddle-up-it somehow!

Hong Kong baby!!!

Okay, so the touring may have to wait til tomorrow...


  1. So excited for you all! You are taking the SAME trip/route we took in China almost 3 years ago!
    HK was SO much fun. And the train to Guagnzhou was cool. Blessing to you all and you new family of 4 ! If you can sire see while in HK see the BIG BUDDHA. It's something not every gets the chance to do and getting there is an adventure on the subway but OH SO WORTH IT!
    It was an awesome experience.
    Enjoy the journey.
    Can't wait to hear and see more.
    Ally @ Even Miracles

  2. That last picture and comment had me rolling! So excited! Will Kate read me her journal when we see you again?

  3. super cute family!!! I can't wait to see your sweet baby!!

  4. So happy to hear that you have made it safely to HK! What a joy to see you half way around the world. Can't wait to follow your travels. And yay for waived baggage fees. It's the little things.
