Thursday, May 9, 2013

Log In Date & An Orphanage Update!!

After 3 weeks of waiting, CCCWA finally notified the agency of our log in date- April 27th.  So we are officially 12 days into our wait for LOA!!  We requested a medical expedite, so we are hoping we will see LOA in the 30s (or sooner)!! :)

We also recently received an update from Ben's orphanage and answers to a few questions we had asked!

How often does he receive transfusions?
Every 15-30 days.

Due to the blood shortage, does he have difficulty receiving transfusions?
The hospital always has blood supply for him.

Has he received any immunizations?

Is he receiving medication to lower the iron levels due to transfusions?
The child does not use medicine to lower his blood iron.

Has he had a new blood test recently?  Could you please send us those results?
He had a new blood cell count recently.  (was not attached)

Does he communicate with his teachers and friends now?
Yes, his speech skill is normal and he can communicate with his peers and teachers.

What kind of food does he like?
He likes every kind of food.

What does he like to play with?
He enjoys playing and plays well with other children in the center.

New measurements were included that show our little guy to be around a size 4.  So now this Momma is hard at work getting his half of the closet filled up!! :)

We were also lucky enough to receive 17 new photos!!  They took him out on the playground for a photo shoot and bribed him with food to get us lots of smiles and peace signs!!
He is even cuter than I thought he would be!!! :)  I'm so in love and ready to go get my son already!!!!  Come on LOA!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sooooo exciting, I remember my heart skipping a beat when I got pics of Janie:)

    1. It's a huge relief Paige!! In the video I have of him, he wouldn't smile or interact. It made me worried, but I knew that no matter what, he was ours. It makes me so relieved to hear that he is finally talking and to see big smiles!!! SO ready to bring him home!!

  2. What an exciting post....LID AND PICTURES :) What a cutie! Congratulations!!!

  3. Yea.. One step closer to China! Congrats

  4. Just found your blog via linguine and lo mein. I am interested in Levi...I can't find him on WACAP's website though. Any thoughts?

    1. I checked w WACAP for you and they say he went back on the shared list two months ago, but he isn't on it. So either another agency put him on their individual list or a family has PA. I'm looking through other agency lists to see if I can find him for ya!! Oh my heart broke seeing him like that!!!

  5. What a cutie!!!! Praying LOA comes quickly for you guys!!! Thx for commenting on our blog!! Please feel free to add me as a friend on Facebook (if you are on FB). That way you can see all our pics so far. Blogger has been so slow about loading them.

  6. He is a DOLL!!! Love that Smile!! Hoping that LOA comes quickly!
