Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day Seven: Medical Appointment

So Thursday came and so did Chengbin's medical appointment.  We were still dealing with some serious obstinence. 

Chengbin, hold hands.  No
Chengbin, hold mama's hand or baba's hand.  No
Chengbin, let's go this way.  (Stops in his steps.  Determined not to move...  No

This little guy is seriously stubborn!!!  We get a few minutes away from our hotel and he completely shuts down.  He gets quiet, unhappy, and VERY obstinate!!!  In the room, happy boy.  Out of the room, angry boy, determined to do the opposite of what we ask.  Not sure of the cause yet.  Just kind of considering it a shut down-cause unknown.

We went to the medical appointment in the morning.  We breezed through all the stations, and as expected, we had no tears or issues with the blood test.  Sadly, our little guy is more than used to needles and blood tests.  He was a little obstinate at first, but we were able to get him focused on toys and doing what needed to get done to get out of there.

 We were very lucky and the whole process took about 30-40 minutes.  We were one of only 3 adoptive families there at that time.  Our little guy did okay!  It's so much change and craziness for a child who has spent every day of their life for many years within the walls of an orphanage on a rigid schedule!

Here's a pic of my silly boy!
We kept it simple the rest of the day.  Swimming or as Chengbin likes to exclaim "Yo Yong!!!"  Also his first pizza (not a fan by the way)!!  This little guy is slowly but surely making progress in his attachment.  We can really see the difference when we go swimming!  I also took Kate out for a special shopping day during his nap, but since those  pics are on my iphone, I'll do a separate post about that. :)

Thanks for stopping by!
Fannie, Matt, Katie, & Chengbin


  1. What a sweet heart! Fear not! He will get more comfortable with each passing day. I think you are right in your assessment of his behavior. Kate was actually a lot the same way. You would get ready to walk out of the hotel and she simply froze and refused to move. She simply shut down. She was like that for 24-7, in the hotel and out for the first week. She got where she was happy in the hotel room but still shut down out of the room. The biggest difference was she was tiny and we just could pick her up stuck her in the ergo :) I am so excited to meet his sweet self!!

  2. Thankful everything went well at medicals! He is a cutie!!! I agree with you and Kelly~ they have no idea where you are taking them and putting ourselves in their place... I can completely relate! :) LOVE following your journey! Blessings and love! XOXO
